<# Get-DirectorySize.ps1 #> # The -Paths parameter (i.e. $Paths on line 15) with an alias called "-Path" is defined as a string and inserting an extra [] tells PowerShell that multiple values may follow, usually separated by commas. [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, HelpMessage='Which folder, directory or path would you like to target? Please enter a valid file system path to a directory (a full path name of a directory (a.k.a. a folder) i.e. folder path such as C:\Windows). If the path name includes space characters, please add quotation marks around the path name. The -Path parameter accepts a collection of path names (separated by comma) and also takes an array of strings for paths to query.')] [Alias("Path")] [string[]]$Paths = "$env:temp", [string]$ReportPath = "$env:temp", [string]$Sort = "Size", [switch]$Descending, [switch]$Recurse, [switch]$Audio ) Begin { # Establish some common variables. Collect the results to an ArrayList, so that instead the copying the entire array into a new array in each addition (as in normal arrays), just add the latest data to the bottom with .Add(the_data_to_be_added_at_the_bottom) method. .RemoveAt([4]) tries to remove the fifth item and .Insert(0,'added at the beginning') inserts to the first positition and .Insert(7,'added to 8th') could insert something to any arbitrary position. $computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME $start_time = Get-Date $number_of_paths = $Paths.Count $descending_switch = @{Descending = $Descending} $recurse_switch = @{Recurse = $Recurse} $empty_line = "" $result_list = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$results = $result_list $titles = @() $drives = @() $skipped = @() $skipped_path_names = @() [int[]]$steps = @() [int[]]$loop = @() $drive_names = @{} # Reset the counters (important!) $total_size = 0 $number_of_directories = 0 $x = 0 $num_invalid_paths = 0 # Extra parameters for $Sort which could be used after ValidateSet attribute # Credit: Martin Pugh: "Get-FolderSizes" Switch ($Sort) { "size" { $Sort = "raw_size";Break } "average" { $Sort = "Average File Size (B)";Break } "written" { $Sort = "Written Ago (h)";Break } "age" { $Sort = "Age (Days)";Break } "read" { $Sort = "Read ago (h)";Break } "created" { $Sort = "Created on";Break } "changed" { $Sort = "Last Updated";Break } "updated" { $Sort = "Last Updated";Break } "last" { $Sort = "Last Updated";Break } } # switch # A function to add folder properties Function Add-FolderObject { Param ( $directory ) # Some owner queries may fail, so excluding those errors $owner = Try { (Get-Acl $directory.FullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Owner } Catch { # Fill in the Owner with a set value "Not enough rights to query the Owner of the directory." } # Catch # The failure message "Measure-Object : Property "Length" cannot be found in any object(s) input" when querying folders with empty subfolders is suppressed with -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue... $size_bytes = (Get-ChildItem $directory.FullName -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Sum $file_count = ( @(Get-ChildItem $directory.FullName @recurse_switch -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer -eq $false })).Count $folder_count = ( @(Get-ChildItem $directory.FullName @recurse_switch -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer -eq $true })).Count $write = (Convert-ElapsedTime((Get-Date) - ($directory.LastWriteTime))) $read = (Convert-ElapsedTime((Get-Date) - ($directory.LastAccessTime))) $average_file_size = If ($file_count -gt 0) { [Math]::Round((($size_bytes) / $file_count),0) } Else { $continue = $true } $volume = New-Object System.IO.DriveInfo (($directory.Root).Name) $size_percent = [Math]::Round(((($size_bytes) / ($volume.TotalSize)) * 100), 1) $free_percent_volume = [Math]::Round(((($volume.AvailableFreeSpace) / ($volume.TotalSize)) * 100), 1) $used_percent_volume = [Math]::Round((((($volume.TotalSize) - ($volume.AvailableFreeSpace)) / ($volume.TotalSize)) * 100), 1) $volume_total_size = ConvertBytes($volume.TotalSize) $obj_folder = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ 'Age (Days)' = (New-TimeSpan -Start $directory.LastWriteTime).Days 'Attributes' = $directory.Attributes 'Average File Size' = ConvertBytes($average_file_size) 'Average File Size (B)' = $average_file_size 'BaseName' = $directory.BaseName 'Created on' = $directory.CreationTime 'Creation Time' = $directory.CreationTime 'Creation Time (UTC)' = $directory.CreationTimeUtc 'Directory' = $directory.FullName 'Drive (Size)' = [string]$directory.Root + ' (' + $volume_total_size + ')' 'Exists' = $directory.Exists 'Extension' = $directory.Extension 'Files' = $file_count 'Subfolders' = $folder_count 'Folder Name' = $directory.FullName 'Is ReadOnly' = $directory.IsReadOnly 'Last AccessTime' = $directory.LastAccessTime 'Last AccessTime (UTC)' = $directory.LastAccessTimeUtc 'Last Updated' = $directory.LastWriteTime 'Last WriteTime' = $directory.LastWriteTime 'Last WriteTime (UTC)' = $directory.LastWriteTimeUtc 'Name' = $directory.Name 'Owner' = $owner 'Parent' = $directory.Parent 'Read' = [string]$read + ' ago' 'Read ago (h)' = [Math]::Round(((New-TimeSpan -Start $directory.LastAccessTime).TotalHours), 0) 'PS Is Container' = $directory.PSIsContainer 'PSChildName' = $directory.PSChildName 'PSDrive' = $directory.PSDrive 'PSParentPath' = $directory.PSParentPath 'PSPath' = $directory.PSPath 'PSProvider' = $directory.PSProvider 'raw_size' = $size_bytes 'Root' = $directory.Root 'Size' = ConvertBytes($size_bytes) 'Size (%)' = If ($size_bytes -gt 0) { [string]$size_percent + ' %' } Else { $continue = $true } 'VersionInfo' = $directory.VersionInfo 'Written' = [string]$write + ' ago' 'Written Ago (h)' = [Math]::Round(((New-TimeSpan -Start $directory.LastWriteTime).TotalHours), 0) 'Volume Available Free Space (B)' = $volume.AvailableFreeSpace 'Volume Format' = $volume.DriveFormat 'Volume Type' = $volume.DriveType 'Volume Free' = ConvertBytes($volume.AvailableFreeSpace) 'Volume Free (%)' = [string]$free_percent_volume + ' %' 'Volume Is Ready' = $volume.IsReady 'Volume Label' = $volume.VolumeLabel 'Volume Name' = $volume.Name 'Volume Root Directory' = $volume.RootDirectory 'Volume Total Size' = $volume_total_size 'Volume Total Free Space (B)' = $volume.TotalFreeSpace 'Volume Total Size (B)' = $volume.TotalSize 'Volume Used' = ConvertBytes(($volume.TotalSize) - ($volume.AvailableFreeSpace)) 'Volume Used (%)' = [string]$used_percent_volume + ' %' 'Volume' = $volume.Name } # New-Object Return $obj_folder } # function (Add-FolderObject) # Function used to convert bytes to MB or GB or TB # Credit: clayman2: "Disk Space" function ConvertBytes { Param ( $size ) If ($size -eq $null) { [string]'0 KB' } ElseIf ($size -eq 0) { [string]'0 KB' } ElseIf ($size -lt 1MB) { $folder_size = $size / 1KB $folder_size = [Math]::Round($folder_size, 0) [string]$folder_size + ' KB' } ElseIf ($size -lt 1GB) { $folder_size = $size / 1MB $folder_size = [Math]::Round($folder_size, 1) [string]$folder_size + ' MB' } ElseIf ($size -lt 1TB) { $folder_size = $size / 1GB $folder_size = [Math]::Round($folder_size, 1) [string]$folder_size + ' GB' } Else { $folder_size = $size / 1TB $folder_size = [Math]::Round($folder_size, 1) [string]$folder_size + ' TB' } # else } # function (ConvertBytes) # Function used to convert numerical elapsed time values to text function Convert-ElapsedTime { Param ( $elapsed ) If ($elapsed.Days -ge 2) { $elapsed_result = [string]$elapsed.Days + ' days ' + $elapsed.Hours + ' h' } ElseIf ($elapsed.Days -gt 0) { $elapsed_result = [string]$elapsed.Days + ' day ' + $elapsed.Hours + ' h' } ElseIf ($elapsed.Hours -gt 0) { $elapsed_result = [string]$elapsed.Hours + ' h ' + $elapsed.Minutes + ' min' } ElseIf ($elapsed.Minutes -gt 0) { $elapsed_result = [string]$elapsed.Minutes + ' min ' + $elapsed.Seconds + ' sec' } ElseIf ($elapsed.Seconds -gt 0) { $elapsed_result = [string]$elapsed.Seconds + ' sec' } Else { $elapsed_result = [string]'' } # else (if) If ($elapsed_result.Contains(" 0 h")) { $elapsed_result = $elapsed_result.Replace(" 0 h"," ") } If ($elapsed_result.Contains(" 0 min")) { $elapsed_result = $elapsed_result.Replace(" 0 min"," ") } If ($elapsed_result.Contains(" 0 sec")) { $elapsed_result = $elapsed_result.Replace(" 0 sec"," ") } # if ($elapsed_result: first) Return $elapsed_result } # function (Convert-ElapsedTime) # A function for creating alternating rows in HTML documents # Credit: Martin Pugh: "Get-FolderSizes" Function Set-AlternatingRows { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [object[]]$lines, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$CSS_even_class, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$CSS_odd_class ) Begin { $class_name = $CSS_even_class } # Begin Process { ForEach ($line in $lines) { $line = $line.Replace("","") If ($class_name -eq $CSS_even_class) { $class_name = $CSS_odd_class } Else { $class_name = $CSS_even_class } # Else Return $line } # ForEach } # Process } # function (Set-AlternatingRows) # Set the progress bar variables $path_activity = "Retrieving Folder Properties on $computer" $path_id = 1 # For using more than one progress bar $folder_activity = " " $folder_status = "Folders Found: $x" $folder_id = 2 # For using more than one progress bar $folder_task = "Currently Processing: Setting the initial search parameters..." # A description of the current operation, which is set at the beginning of each of the steps that increments the progress bar. # Start the progress bars Write-Progress -Id $path_id -Activity $path_activity -Status "Step $($steps.Count) of $($number_of_paths * 3)" -CurrentOperation $path -PercentComplete 0 Write-Progress -Id $folder_id -Activity $folder_activity -Status $folder_status -CurrentOperation $folder_task -PercentComplete 0 Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss): The script begins..." } # begin Process { ForEach ($path in $Paths) { # Increment the loop counter $loop += 1 # In the second loop and onwards If ($loop.Count -ge 2) { $y = $number_of_directories # Reset the lower progress bar $folder_status = "Folders Found: 0 (Total: $number_of_directories)" $folder_task = "Currently Processing: Initiating the loop number $($loop.Count)" Write-Progress -Id $folder_id -Activity $folder_activity -Status $folder_status -CurrentOperation $folder_task -PercentComplete 0 } Else { $continue = $true } <# __ /_ | | | | | | | |_| #> # (Step 1): Test if the path exists # Increment the step counter and update the upper progress bar $steps += 1 Write-Progress -Id $path_id -Activity $path_activity -Status "Step $($steps.Count) of $($number_of_paths * 3)" -CurrentOperation $path -PercentComplete -1 If ((Test-Path $path) -eq $false) { $invalid_path_was_found = $true # Increment the error counter $num_invalid_paths++ # Display an error message in console $empty_line | Out-String Write-Warning "'$path' doesn't seem to be a valid path name." $empty_line | Out-String Write-Verbose "Please consider checking that the path '$path' was typed correctly and that it is a valid file system path, which points to a directory. If the path contains space characters, please add quotation marks around the path name." -verbose $empty_line | Out-String Write-Verbose "Which folder, directory or path would you like to target? Please enter a valid file system path to a directory (a full path name of a directory a.k.a. a full path name of a folder (i.e. folder path such as C:\Windows)) after the -Path parameter. The -Path parameter accepts a collection of path names (separated by comma) and also takes an array of strings for paths to query." $empty_line | Out-String $skip_text_2 = "Skipping '$path' from the results." Write-Output $skip_text # Add the path as an object (with properties) to a collection of skipped paths $skipped += $obj_skipped = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{ 'Skipped Path Names' = $path 'Owner' = "" 'Created on' = "" 'Last Updated' = "" 'Size' = "-" 'Error' = "The path was not found on $computer." 'raw_size' = 0 } # New-Object # Add the path name to a list of failed path names $skipped_path_names += $path # Add the path name to title $titles += $path # Return to top of the program loop (ForEach $path) and skip just this iteration of the loop. Continue } Else { # Resolve path (if path is specified as relative) $path = Resolve-Path -Path $path } # else (if) <# ___ |__ \ ) | / / / /_ |____| #> # (Step 2): Get the properties of the path (user inputted starting directory root path) Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss): Now working on $path..." # Increment the step counter and the counter of total number of directories and update the upper progress bar $steps += 1 $number_of_directories++ Write-Progress -Id $path_id -Activity $path_activity -Status "Step $($steps.Count) of $($number_of_paths * 3)" -CurrentOperation $path -PercentComplete -1 # Update the lower progress bar $folder_status = "Folders Found: 0 (Total: $number_of_directories)" $folder_task = "Currently Processing: Working on $path, folder properties enumeration ongoing..." Write-Progress -Id $folder_id -Activity $folder_activity -Status $folder_status -CurrentOperation $folder_task -PercentComplete 0 # Get the path (user inputted starting directory root path) as an item and define its properties $root = Get-Item -Path $path -Force $root_properties = Add-FolderObject $root # Add the size of the path (starting directory root path) to the total size $total_size += $root_properties.raw_size # Add the path properties (starting directory root path) to the final report $null = $results.Add($root_properties) # Add the path name to the title row $titles += $path # Get the drive information on unique volumes $drive = New-Object System.IO.DriveInfo (($root.Root).Name) If ($drive_names.ContainsKey($drive.Name)) { $continue = $true } Else { $drive_names.Add($drive.Name, $drive.TotalSize) $free_percent = [Math]::Round(((($drive.AvailableFreeSpace) / ($drive.TotalSize)) * 100), 1) $used_percent = [Math]::Round((((($drive.TotalSize) - ($drive.AvailableFreeSpace)) / ($drive.TotalSize)) * 100), 1) # Add the drive as an object (with properties) to a collection of drives $drives += $obj_drive = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{ 'Available Free Space (B)' = $drive.AvailableFreeSpace 'Format' = $drive.DriveFormat 'Type' = $drive.DriveType 'Free' = ConvertBytes($drive.AvailableFreeSpace) 'Free (%)' = [string]$free_percent + ' %' 'Is Ready' = $drive.IsReady 'Label' = $drive.VolumeLabel 'Name' = $drive.Name 'Root Directory' = $drive.RootDirectory 'Total Size' = ConvertBytes($drive.TotalSize) 'Total Free Space (B)' = $drive.TotalFreeSpace 'Total Size (B)' = $drive.TotalSize 'Used' = ConvertBytes(($drive.TotalSize) - ($drive.AvailableFreeSpace)) 'Used (%)' = [string]$used_percent + ' %' 'Volume' = $drive.Name } # New-Object } # else <# ____ |___ \ __) | |__ < ___) | |____/ #> # (Step 3): Loop through all the subfolders and enumerate the sub-directories according to the recurse-preference parameter # Increment the step counter and update the upper progress bar $steps += 1 Write-Progress -Id $path_id -Activity $path_activity -Status "Step $($steps.Count) of $($number_of_paths * 3)" -CurrentOperation $path -PercentComplete -1 $subfolders = Get-ChildItem $path @recurse_switch -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer -eq $true } $subfolder_paths = $subfolders | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName # Remove some error messages (if an empty folder is set as a starting path) If ($subfolder_paths.Count -eq $null) { $continue = $true } Else { # Find all subdirectories and enumerate the results ForEach ($folder in $subfolders) { # Increment the counters and update the lower progress bar $number_of_directories++ $x++ $folder_status = "Folders Found: $($x - $y + ($loop.Count) - 1) (Total: $number_of_directories)" $folder_task = "Currently Processing: $folder" Write-Progress -Id $folder_id -Activity $folder_activity -Status $folder_status -CurrentOperation $folder_task -PercentComplete (( ($x - $y + ($loop.Count) - 2) / $subfolder_paths.Count) * 100) # Add the subdirectory properties to the final report $folder_properties = Add-FolderObject $folder $null = $results.Add($folder_properties) } # ForEach subfolder } # else } # ForEach path } # Process End { # Close the progress bars and try to avoid dividing with a zero when calculating the -PercentComplete $path_activity = "Retrieving folder attributes on $computer" $folder_status = "Folders Found: $x" $folder_task = "Finished retrieving folders." Write-Progress -Id $path_id -Activity $path_activity -Status "Step $($steps.Count) of $($number_of_paths * 3)" -PercentComplete 100 -Completed Write-Progress -Id $folder_id -Activity $folder_activity -Status $folder_status -CurrentOperation $folder_task -PercentComplete 100 -Completed # Display a summary in console $total_size_in_text = ConvertBytes $total_size # Display the volume data in console $empty_line | Out-String $empty_line | Out-String $drives.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,"Volumes a.k.a. Drives") $drives_selection = $drives | Select-Object 'Volume','Label','Format','Type','Is Ready','Free','Free (%)','Total Size','Used','Used (%)' | Sort-Object 'Volume' $drives_selection | Format-Table -auto # Catch the Owner-anomalities and notify the user. This final round of enumeration (without another ForEach loop) should probably be done earlier for best results (speed). ForEach ($result in $results) { If (($result | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Owner) -like ("*enough rights to query the Owner of*")) { $invalid_path_was_found = $true Write-Verbose "Didn't have enough rights to query the Owner of $result" # Increment the error counter $num_invalid_paths++ # Add the path as an object (with properties) to a collection of skipped paths $skipped += $obj_skipped = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{ 'Skipped Path Names' = $result | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Directory 'Owner' = "" 'Created on' = $result | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Created on' 'Last Updated' = $result | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'Last Updated' 'Size' = "-" 'Error' = "Not enough rights to query the Owner of the directory." 'raw_size' = 0 } # New-Object } Else { $continue = $true } # else (if) } # foreach If (($invalid_path_was_found) -ne $true) { $enumeration_went_succesfully = $true $stats_text = "Total $number_of_directories folders ($total_size_in_text) processed at '$($titles -join ", ")'" } Else { $enumeration_went_succesfully = $false # Display the skipped path names in console $empty_line | Out-String $skipped.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,"Skipped Path Names") $skipped_selection = $skipped | Select-Object 'Skipped Path Names','Size','Error' | Sort-Object 'Skipped Path Names' $skipped_selection | Format-Table -auto If ($num_invalid_paths -gt 1) { $stats_text = "Total $number_of_directories folders ($total_size_in_text) processed. There were $num_invalid_paths skipped path names." } Else { $stats_text = "Total $number_of_directories folders ($total_size_in_text) processed. One path name was skipped." } # else } # else $empty_line | Out-String $empty_line | Out-String Write-Output $stats_text $empty_line | Out-String # Display some results in a pop-up window (Out-GridView) - about 1/2 fits to the pop-up window $results.PSObject.TypeNames.Insert(0,"Processed Directories") $results_selection = $results | Select-Object 'Directory','Owner','Size','Size (%)','raw_size','Files','Subfolders','Average File Size','Average File Size (B)','Written','Written Ago (h)','Age (Days)','Read','Read ago (h)','Created on','Last Updated','Drive (Size)','BaseName','Last AccessTime','Last WriteTime','Creation Time','Extension','Is ReadOnly','Exists','PS Is Container','Attributes','Folder Name','Name','Parent','Root','PSParentPath','PSPath','PSProvider','PSChildName','VersionInfo','Volume Available Free Space (B)','Volume Type','Volume Free','Volume Free (%)','Volume Is Ready','Volume Label','Volume Name','Volume Format','Volume Root Directory','Volume Total Size','Volume Total Free Space (B)','Volume Total Size (B)','Volume Used','Volume Used (%)','Volume','Last WriteTime (UTC)','Creation Time (UTC)','Last AccessTime (UTC)','PSDrive' $results_selection | Sort-Object 'raw_size','Files','Subfolders' -Descending | Out-GridView # Write all the results to a CSV-file If ($results_selection -ne $null) { $results_selection | Export-Csv $ReportPath\directory_size.csv -Delimiter ';' -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 } Else { $continue = $true } # Find out how long the script took to complete and try to avoid dividing with a zero when displaying speeds and rates $end_time = Get-Date $runtime = ($end_time) - ($start_time) If ($runtime.Days -ge 2) { $runtime_result = [string]$runtime.Days + ' days ' + $runtime.Hours + ' h ' + $runtime.Minutes + ' min' } ElseIf ($runtime.Days -gt 0) { $runtime_result = [string]$runtime.Days + ' day ' + $runtime.Hours + ' h ' + $runtime.Minutes + ' min' } ElseIf ($runtime.Hours -gt 0) { $runtime_result = [string]$runtime.Hours + ' h ' + $runtime.Minutes + ' min' } ElseIf ($runtime.Minutes -gt 0) { $runtime_result = [string]$runtime.Minutes + ' min ' + $runtime.Seconds + ' sec' } ElseIf ($runtime.Seconds -gt 0) { $runtime_result = [string]$runtime.Seconds + ' sec' } ElseIf ($runtime.Milliseconds -gt 1) { $runtime_result = [string]$runtime.Milliseconds + ' milliseconds' } ElseIf ($runtime.Milliseconds -eq 1) { $runtime_result = [string]$runtime.Milliseconds + ' millisecond' } ElseIf (($runtime.Milliseconds -gt 0) -and ($runtime.Milliseconds -lt 1)) { $runtime_result = [string]$runtime.Milliseconds + ' milliseconds' } Else { $runtime_result = [string]'' } # else (if) If ($runtime_result.Contains(" 0 h")) { $runtime_result = $runtime_result.Replace(" 0 h"," ") } If ($runtime_result.Contains(" 0 min")) { $runtime_result = $runtime_result.Replace(" 0 min"," ") } If ($runtime_result.Contains(" 0 sec")) { $runtime_result = $runtime_result.Replace(" 0 sec"," ") } # if ($runtime_result: first) If (($runtime.TotalMilliseconds) -gt 0) { $speed = [Math]::Round(($number_of_directories / $runtime.TotalSeconds),1) $rate = ConvertBytes ($total_size / $runtime.TotalSeconds) } Else { $speed = 0 $rate = 0 } # else # Display the runtime in console $runtime_text = "The directories were enumerated in $runtime_result (at the rate: $speed folders ($rate) / second)." Write-Output $runtime_text $empty_line | Out-String # [Start Option A] # (Option A): Create a HTML final report # Credit: Martin Pugh: "Get-FolderSizes" # Define the HTML header # In the CSS style section .even and .odd apply to the custom function Set-AlternatingRows (Outlook ignores "nth-child" definitions in CSS). # So after defining the custom function Set-AlternatingRows the .odd and .even are specified in the CSS style section. # After ConvertTo-Html has outputted to a pipeline Set-AlternatingRows is then allowed to change lines (from "" to "") in the source code at hand. # To improve the formatting of HTML code in Visual Studio Code, press Shift + Alt + F and the selected area will be reformatted. $header = @" Directory Size of "$path" "@ $total_size = ConvertBytes $total_size $volumes_summary = $drives_selection | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment -As Table | Set-AlternatingRows -CSS_even_class odd -CSS_odd_class even | Out-String $pre = "

Directory Size Report

Listing the contents of ""$($titles -join ", ")"" on $computer

" $post = "

Drive Utilization on $computer


Total Number of Folders Processed: $number_of_directories
Skipped: $($skipped.Count)
Total Space Used: $total_size

Generated: $(Get-Date -Format g)" # Bypass the user defined sort options, if folder or file sizes or amounts are involved, so that always report largest files and folders first, and those which have the most content inside If ($Sort -eq "raw_size") { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property @{Expression="raw_size";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Files";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Subfolders";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Directory";Descending=$false} } } ElseIf ($Sort -eq "Size (%)") { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property @{Expression="Size (%)";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="raw_size";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Files";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Subfolders";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Directory";Descending=$false} } } ElseIf ($Sort -eq "Average File Size") { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property @{Expression="Average File Size (B)";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Files";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Subfolders";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Directory";Descending=$false} } } ElseIf ($Sort -eq "Average File Size (B)") { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property @{Expression="Average File Size (B)";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Files";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Subfolders";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Directory";Descending=$false} } } ElseIf ($Sort -eq "Files") { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property @{Expression="Files";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Subfolders";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="raw_size";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Directory";Descending=$false} } } ElseIf ($Sort -eq "Subfolders") { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property @{Expression="Subfolders";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Files";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="raw_size";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Directory";Descending=$false} } } Else { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property $Sort -Descending:$Descending } } # Else # Create the report and save the it to a file $HTML = $results | Select-Object 'Directory','Owner','Size','Size (%)','raw_size','Files','Subfolders','Average File Size','Average File Size (B)','Written','Written Ago (h)','Age (Days)','Read','Read ago (h)','Created on','Last Updated','Drive (Size)' | Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sort_command | ConvertTo-Html -PreContent $pre -PostContent $post -Head $header -As Table | Set-AlternatingRows -CSS_even_class even -CSS_odd_class odd | Out-File $ReportPath\directory_size.html # Display the report in the default browser # & $ReportPath\directory_size.html Start-Process -FilePath "$ReportPath\directory_size.html" | Out-Null # [End Option A] # [Start Option B] # [End Option B] Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss): Script completed." # Sound the bell if set to do so with the -Audio parameter (ASCII character 7) If ( -not $Audio ) { $continue = $true } Else { [char]7 } # else } # End # [End of Line] <# ____ _ _ / __ \ | | (_) | | | |_ __ | |_ _ ___ _ __ ___ | | | | '_ \| __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| | |__| | |_) | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \ \____/| .__/ \__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ | | |_| /\ / \ / /\ \ / ____ \ /_/ \_\ ____ | _ \ | |_) | | _ < | |_) | |____/ # (Option B) Send the Directory Size Report as an HTML-formatted email # Credit: Brian: "Making PowerShell Emails Pretty" # Define the email settings $email_server = "email.server.com" $email_from = "email.address@somewhere.com" $email_to = "email.address@somewhere.com" # Convert date to a string and use it in the email subject field $current_date = Get-Date $subject_date = $current_date.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') $email_subject = "Directory Size of '$path' " + $subject_date # Define the CSS style for the email message # @" "@ is a quote block, allowing more "" inside without breaking # In the CSS style section .even and .odd apply to the custom function Set-AlternatingRows (Outlook ignores "nth-child" definitions in CSS). # So after defining the custom function Set-AlternatingRows the .odd and .even are specified in the CSS style section. # After ConvertTo-Html has outputted its strut Set-AlternatingRows is then allowed to change lines (from "" to "") in the source code at hand. # To improve the formatting of HTML code in Visual Studio Code, press Shift + Alt + F and the selected area will be reformatted. # http://thesurlyadmin.com/2013/01/21/how-to-create-html-reports/ # Define CSS with a file $header = Get-Content "\\SERVER1\Share\css.txt" # Define "CSS" manually $header = @" Directory Sizes for "$path" "@ $total_size = ConvertBytes $total_size $volumes_summary = $drives_selection | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment -As Table | Set-AlternatingRows -CSS_even_class odd -CSS_odd_class even | Out-String $pre = "

Directory Size Report

Listing the contents of ""$($titles -join ", ")"" on $computer

" $post = "

Drive Utilization on $computer


Total Number of Folders Processed: $number_of_directories
Skipped: $($skipped.Count)
Total Space Used: $total_size

Generated: $(Get-Date -Format g)" # Bypass the user defined sort options, if folder or file sizes or amounts are involved, so that always report largest files and folders first, and those which have the most content inside If ($Sort -eq "raw_size") { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property @{Expression="raw_size";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Files";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Subfolders";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Directory";Descending=$false} } } ElseIf ($Sort -eq "Size (%)") { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property @{Expression="Size (%)";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="raw_size";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Files";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Subfolders";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Directory";Descending=$false} } } ElseIf ($Sort -eq "Average File Size") { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property @{Expression="Average File Size (B)";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Files";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Subfolders";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Directory";Descending=$false} } } ElseIf ($Sort -eq "Average File Size (B)") { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property @{Expression="Average File Size (B)";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Files";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Subfolders";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Directory";Descending=$false} } } ElseIf ($Sort -eq "Files") { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property @{Expression="Files";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Subfolders";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="raw_size";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Directory";Descending=$false} } } ElseIf ($Sort -eq "Subfolders") { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property @{Expression="Subfolders";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Files";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="raw_size";Descending=$true}, @{Expression="Directory";Descending=$false} } } Else { $sort_command = { Sort-Object -property $Sort -Descending:$Descending } } # Else # Use the Directory Size final Report object as a email message body $body = $results | Select-Object 'Directory','Owner','Size','Size (%)','raw_size','Files','Subfolders','Average File Size','Average File Size (B)','Written','Written Ago (h)','Age (Days)','Read','Read ago (h)','Created on','Last Updated','Drive (Size)' | Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sort_command | ConvertTo-Html -PreContent $pre -PostContent $post -Head $header -As Table | Set-AlternatingRows -CSS_even_class even -CSS_odd_class odd | Out-String # Send the email Send-MailMessage -From $email_from -To $email_to -Subject $email_subject -Body $body -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer $email_server _____ / ____| | (___ ___ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ \___ \ / _ \| | | | '__/ __/ _ \ ____) | (_) | |_| | | | (_| __/ |_____/ \___/ \__,_|_| \___\___| https://community.spiceworks.com/scripts/show/1738-get-foldersizes # Martin Pugh: "Get-FolderSizes" http://2012sg.poshcode.org/4950 # Joel Reed: "Get-DirectorySize" http://brianbunke.com/?p=59 # Brian: "Making PowerShell Emails Pretty" http://powershell.com/cs/media/p/7476.aspx # clayman2: "Disk Space" http://powershell.com/cs/media/p/24814.aspx # PowerTips Monthly Volume 2: Arrays and Hash Tables https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849719.aspx # Invoke-Command https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849912.aspx # Sort-Object _ _ _ | | | | | | | |__| | ___| |_ __ | __ |/ _ \ | '_ \ | | | | __/ | |_) | |_| |_|\___|_| .__/ | | |_| #> <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the folder sizes of a specified directory or directories. .DESCRIPTION Get-DirectorySize returns the size of a directory or directories (paths) specificed by a parameter called -Path and reports the sizes of the first level of folders (i.e. the listing is similar to the common "dir" command, but the size of the folders is shown in the results and the listing of files is omitted). To query recursively (i.e. including all sub-directories of the sub-directories and their sub-directories as well and also all other successive sub-directories) a parameter -Recurse may be added to the query command. To effectively use Get-DirectorySize, a path, paths or path names to a directory should be specified (with the -Path parameter), as by default, only $env:temp gets searched. The paths should be valid file system paths to a directory (a full path name of a directory (i.e. folder path such as C:\Windows)). In case the path name includes space characters, quotation marks around the path name are mandatory. The -Path parameter accepts a collection of path names (separated by comma) and also takes an array of strings for paths to query. The directories are queried extensively, a wide array of properties, such as Directory, Owner, Size, Relative Size (Size (%)), raw_size, File Count, Subfolder Count, Average File Size, Average File Size (B), Written, Written Ago (h), Age (Days), Read, Read ago (h), Created on, Last Updated, BaseName, PSChildName, Last AccessTime, Last WriteTime, Creation Time, Extension, Is ReadOnly, Exists, PS Is Container, Attributes, VersionInfo, Folder Name, Name, Parent, Root, PSParentPath, PSPath, PSProvider, Last WriteTime (UTC), Creation Time (UTC), Last AccessTime (UTC), PSDrive, Volume Available Free Space (B), Volume Type, Volume Free, Volume Free (%), Volume Is Ready, Volume Label, Volume Name, Volume Root Directory, Volume Total Size, Volume Total Free Space (B), Volume Total Size (B), Volume Used, Volume Used (%) and Volume is leveraged from the directories totaling over 50 headers / columns. The full report is written to a CSV-file, about 1/2 of the data is displayed in a sortable pop-up window (Out-GridView) and a Directory Size Report (as a HTML file) with the essential information is invoked in the default browser. The -ReportPath parameter defines where the files are saved. The default save location of the HTML Directory Size Report (directory_size.html) and the adjacent CSV-file (directory_size.csv) is $env:temp, which points to the current temporary file location, which is set in the system (- for more information, please see the Notes section). While the parameters -Path, -Recurse and -ReportPath (along with the -Audio parameter(, which emits an audible beep after the query is finished)) modify holistically the behavior of Get-DirectorySize, the other parameters -Sort and -Descending toggle how and in which way the data is displayed in the HTML Directory Size Report. The usage and behavior of each parameter is discussed in further detail below. This script is based on Martin Pugh's PowerShell script "Get-FolderSizes" (https://community.spiceworks.com/scripts/show/1738-Get-DirectorySize). .PARAMETER Path as an alias of -Paths. The -Path parameter determines the starting point of the directory size analyzation. The -Path parameter also accepts a collection of path names (separated by a comma). It's not always mandatory to write -Path in the query command to invoke the -Path parameter, as is shown in the Examples below, since Get-DirectorySize is trying to decipher the inputted queries as good as it is machinely possible within a 60 KB size limit. The paths should be valid file system paths to a directory (a full path name of a directory (i.e. folder path such as C:\Windows)). In case the path name includes space characters, please add quotation marks around the path name. If a collection of path names is defined for the -Path parameter, please separate the individual path names with a comma. The -Path parameter also takes an array of strings for paths to query and objects could be piped to this parameter, too. If no path is defined in the query $env:temp gets searched. .PARAMETER ReportPath Specifies where the HTML Directory Size Report and the adjacent CSV-file is to be saved. The default save location is $env:temp, which points to the current temporary file location, which is set in the system. The default -ReportPath save location is defined at line 16 with the $ReportPath variable. For usage, please see the Examples below and for more information about $env:temp, please see the Notes section below. .PARAMETER Sort Specifies which column is the primary sort column in the HTML Directory Size Report. Only one column may be selected in one query as the primary column. If -Sort parameter is not defined, Get-DirectorySize will try to sort by Size. Even when the -Sort parameter is used, Get-DirectorySize acts partially indepently in the background and is actively trying to sort values automatically, so that numerical values would be sorted as descending as default while text based columns would be sorted as ascending as default. By any means with any command or parameter combination will Get-DirectorySize probably not agree to sorting size in the HTML Directory Size Report as ascending, so effectively the -Descending parameter is almost exclusively left as a toggle for the text based columns. In the HTML Directory Size Report all the headers are sortable (with the query commands) and some headers have aliases, too. Valid -Sort values are listed below along with the default order (descending or ascending). Please also see the Examples section for further usage examples. Valid -Sort values: Default Order Value Sort Behavior Descending / Ascending ----- ------------- ------------------------ Directory Sort by Directory (param) Ascending Owner Sort by Owner (param) Ascending Size Sort by raw_size Descending - "Size (%)" Sort by Size (%) Descending - raw_size Sort by raw_size Descending - Files Sort by Files Descending - Subfolders Sort by Subfolders Descending - "Average File Size" Sort by Average File Size (B) Descending - "Average File Size (B)" Sort by Average File Size (B) Descending - Average Sort by Average File Size (B) Descending - "Written Ago (h)" Sort by Written Ago (h) (param) Ascending Written Sort by Written Ago (h) (param) Ascending "Age (Days)" Sort by Age (Days) (param) Ascending Age Sort by Age (Days) (param) Ascending "Read ago (h)" Sort by Read ago (h) (param) Ascending Read Sort by Read ago (h) (param) Ascending "Created on" Sort by Created on (param) Ascending Created Sort by Created on (param) Ascending "Last Updated" Sort by Last Updated (param) Ascending Updated Sort by Last Updated (param) Ascending Changed Sort by Last Updated (param) Ascending Last Sort by Last Updated (param) Ascending In the table above, (param) depicts the usage of the -Descending parameter. .PARAMETER Descending A switch to control how directories get sorted in the HTML Directory Size Report. Please see the -Sort parameter above for further details. By default Get-DirectorySize tries to sort number based values in an descending order and text based values in an ascending order. By adding the -Descending parameter to the query the prevalent ascending sort order may be reversed in the cases, which are listed in the table above and marked with (param). .PARAMETER Recurse If the -Recurse parameter is added to the query command, also each and every sub-folder in any level, no matter how deep in the directory structure or behind how many sub-folders, is included individually to the report. While the -Recurse parameter can be used for reporting the size of all sub-folders on every sub-level, it may have an impact on how long the script actually runs. Please note, that even when the -Recurse parameter is not used, and despite its toll to the performance of the script (speed), Get-DirectorySize will try to query some data, such as the overall size of the folder, recursively. This is intended action and is one of the key elements and main characteristics of Get-DirectorySize. The total size of a folder cannot be known, if all of the content is not known. The file count and subfolder count will, however, follow the path of the -Recurse parameter. Furthermore, since the Average File Size depends on the number of files found, the reported average file size of a folder may differ drastically depending on whether the -Recurse parameter was used or not. .PARAMETER Audio If this parameter is used in the query command, an audible beep will occur after the directory size enumeration is finished. .OUTPUTS Generates an HTML Directory Size Report and an adjacent CSV-file in a specified Report Path ($ReportPath = "$env:temp" at line 16), which is user-settable with the -ReportPath parameter. Skipped path names, if any, are reported in console. Also displays performance related information about the query process in console after the query has finished. In addition to that... One pop-up window "$results_selection" (Out-GridView) with sortable headers (with a click): Name Description ---- ----------- $results_selection Displays 1/2 of the full data set And also the aforementioned HTML-file "Directory Size Report" and CSV-file at $ReportPath. The HTML-file "Directory Size Report" is opened automatically in the default browser after the query is finished. $env:temp\directory_size.html : HTML-file : directory_size.html $env:temp\directory_size.csv : CSV-file : directory_size.csv .NOTES Please note that all the parameters can be used in one query command and that each of the parameters can be "tab completed" before typing them fully (by pressing the [tab] key). Please note that the default search location is defined at line 15 for the -Path parameter (as an alias of -Paths) with the $Paths variable. Please also note that the two files are created in a directory, which is end-user settable in each query command with the -ReportPath parameter. The default save location is defined with the $ReportPath variable (at line 16). The $env:temp variable points to the current temp folder. The default value of the $env:temp variable is C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp (i.e. each user account has their own separate temp folder at path %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp). To see the current temp path, for instance a command [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() may be used at the PowerShell prompt window [PS>]. To change the temp folder for instance to C:\Temp, please, for example, follow the instructions at http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/23500-temporary-files-folder-change-location-windows.html Homepage: https://github.com/auberginehill/get-directory-size Short URL: http://tinyurl.com/jjl9wng Version: 1.2 .EXAMPLE ./Get-DirectorySize Run the script. Please notice to insert ./ or .\ before the script name. Uses the default location ($env:temp) for 'listing the contents of' and for storing the generated two files. Lists the folders, which are found on the first level (i.e. search is done nonrecursively, similarly to a common command "dir", for example). The output in the CSV file includes nearly 40 columns of data with each processed folder name as a row, the Out-GridView has about 1/2 of the data and, in essence, the generated HTML Directory Size Report is a summary table with the most relevant information. The HTML Directory Size Report is sorted by Size and ordered as descending as default (the default order for text based columns is ascending). .EXAMPLE help ./Get-DirectorySize -Full Display the help file. .EXAMPLE ./Get-DirectorySize -Path "C:\Windows" -ReportPath "C:\Scripts" Run the script and report on all folders in C:\Windows. Save the HTML Directory Size Report and the adjacent CSV-file to C:\Scripts. The output is sorted, as per default, on the raw_size property in an descending order, displaying the largest directories on top and the smallest directories at the bottom. .EXAMPLE ./Get-DirectorySize "C:\dc01","D:\dc04","E:\chiore" Run the script and report on all folders, which are found in C:\dc01, D:\dc04 and E:\chiore. Please note that the -Path is not mandatory in this example, but it could be included, too, and the quotation marks can be left out since the path names don't contain any space characters (./Get-DirectorySize -Path C:\dc01, D:\dc04, E:\chiore). .EXAMPLE ./Get-DirectorySize -Path E:\chiore -Sort Directory -Descending Run the script and report on all the folders in E:\chiore. Sort the data based on the "Directory" column and arrange the rows in the HTML Directory Size Report as descending so that last alphabets come to the top and first alphabets will be at the bottom. To sort the same query in an ascending order the -Descending parameter may be left out from the query command (./Get-DirectorySize -Path E:\chiore -Sort Directory). The sort column name is case-insensitive (as is most of the PowerShell), and since the path name doesn't contain any space characters, it doesn't need to be enveloped with quotation marks. Actually the -Path parameter may be left out from the query command, too, since, for example, ./get-directorysize e:\cHIORe -sort directory -descending is the exact same query command in nature. .EXAMPLE ./Get-DirectorySize -Path C:\Users\Dropbox -Recurse -Audio Will output a size calculation of C:\Users\Dropbox and include all enclosed sub-directories of the sub-directories of the sub-directories and their sub-directories as well (the search is done recursively). The output is sorted, as per default, on the raw_size property in an descending order, displaying the largest directories on top and the smallest directories at the bottom. After the the script has finished its work, an audible "bell" sound is evoked. Due to the partial automation in Get-DirectorySize, this is the same command as ./Get-DirectorySize -Path C:\Users\Dropbox -Sort size -Descending -Recurse -Audio in essence. .EXAMPLE ./Get-DirectorySize -Path C:\Windows -ReportPath C:\Scripts -Sort owner -Descending -Recurse Run the script and list recursively all the folders in C:\Windows, so that all sub-folders will get enumerated individually, too. Sort the data in the HTML Directory Size Report by the column name Owner in a descending order, and save the HTML Directory Size Report to C:\Scripts. Please note, that -Path can be omitted in this example, because ./Get-DirectorySize C:\Windows -ReportPath C:\Scripts -Sort owner -Descending -Recurse will result in the exact same outcome. .EXAMPLE Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned This command is altering the Windows PowerShell rights to enable script execution. Windows PowerShell has to be run with elevated rights (run as an administrator) to actually be able to change the script execution properties. The default value is "Set-ExecutionPolicy restricted". Parameters: Restricted Does not load configuration files or run scripts. Restricted is the default execution policy. AllSigned Requires that all scripts and configuration files be signed by a trusted publisher, including scripts that you write on the local computer. RemoteSigned Requires that all scripts and configuration files downloaded from the Internet be signed by a trusted publisher. Unrestricted Loads all configuration files and runs all scripts. If you run an unsigned script that was downloaded from the Internet, you are prompted for permission before it runs. Bypass Nothing is blocked and there are no warnings or prompts. Undefined Removes the currently assigned execution policy from the current scope. This parameter will not remove an execution policy that is set in a Group Policy scope. For more information, please type "help Set-ExecutionPolicy -Full" or visit https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849812.aspx. .EXAMPLE New-Item -ItemType File -Path C:\Temp\Get-DirectorySize.ps1 Creates an empty ps1-file to the C:\Temp directory. The New-Item cmdlet has an inherent -NoClobber mode built into it, so that the procedure will halt, if overwriting (replacing the contents) of an existing file is about to happen. Overwriting a file with the New-Item cmdlet requires using the Force. For more information, please type "help New-Item -Full". .LINK https://community.spiceworks.com/scripts/show/1738-get-foldersizes http://2012sg.poshcode.org/4950 http://brianbunke.com/?p=59 http://powershell.com/cs/media/p/7476.aspx http://powershell.com/cs/media/p/24814.aspx https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/hh360993.aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714434(v=vs.85).aspx https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh847743.aspx https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849719.aspx https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849912.aspx http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/15994.powershell-advanced-function-parameter-attributes.aspx https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee692803.aspx http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10-things/10-powershell-commands-every-windows-admin-should-know/ #>